Scheduling and Planning

From the Creator of Self Development Hub, Sue Neumann

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"How To Take Control of Your Schedule"

10 Smart Ways to Take and Keep Control of Your Schedule...

There are a lot of things competing for attention these days. Therefore, taking control of your schedule and making time for the things most important to you is essential. Otherwise, you'll end up letting other people and things dictate how you spend your time, and that can be frustrating and even stressful.

First, you must accept that you are in control of your schedule -- if only you take control. There are plenty of smart ways to take control of your schedule, ensuring that you're making time for the things most important to you.  

Here are ten smart ways to take and keep control of your schedule:

Keep a Daily Planner and Update it Regularly
Set Aside Specific Times for Specific Tasks
List Your Priorities and Stick to Them
Don't Procrastinate
Delegate Tasks Whenever Possible
Take Advantage of Technology
Avoid Multitasking
Take Breaks
Simplify Your Life
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